Creating stability in our pelvis

Maybe it’s obvious, We love the pelvis!

We continue this week’s challenge with our focus on the sacrum and pelvis. For background, consider checking out the challenge from last week and the week prior.

A reflection on learning and teaching Argentine tango

Asking ourselves about our roles in learning and teaching Argentine tango.

We have been busy writing articles for this website and are enthusiastic about sharing our thoughts and explorations. We thought that now would be a good time to reflect on why we approach our learning and teaching in the way that we do and our goals in writing what we do.

Aligning our sacrum

A simple thing to do everytime you begin to walk

Last week, our challenge was to bring awareness to your sacrum and the ways that your sacroiliac joint moves.

Thinking about collection is bad for your tango

#8220;Collection” was eliminated from our tango vocabulary for many reasons.

I’ve written about collection in other articles, “Moving with your line of gravity” and “How we think affects the way we move”, so it is no secret that I don’t like what thinking about collection does to our dance. When we started developing our TangoBreath vinyasa, “collection” was one the first things we eliminated in our teaching and in our descriptions of Argentine tango movement.

Perceiving the dynamic sacrum

A body awareness challenge that focuses on the keystone of our posture

Our body awareness challenge this week is moving from our head, down our spine, to the place where it originates: the sacrum. It is a bone that is easily forgotten, but is so important to the health of our spine, hips, knees, and our whole body system!


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