Expectations, misconceptions, and perspectives on learning Argentine tango

The questionable argument is that, in the beginning, leaders have a steeper learning curve than followers.

Kiki and Bouba!

Here is a nice post about kiki and bouba and how +Murat Erdemsel links them to tango…

Here is a nice post about kiki and bouba and how +Murat Erdemsel links them to tango music. We use these idea’s to help our students learn to hear the music and the phrasing within. We even have colored paper cutouts on wands, to help with the idea. Believe it or not Biagi’s ‘Racing club’ is a great example of kiki and bouba phrasing. Another favorite of ours is Di Sarli’s ‘No Esta’. There are numerous choices that show these basic idea’s and even more that blur the lines by combining kiki and bouba as melodies and counter melodies,fills and accents. Dancing to both kiki and bouba at the same time is full of possibilities and the results can be amazing.

How we think affects the way we move

Visualization enables the best movement and posture possible


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